Coatbridge Centre

Who We Are
The Conforti Centre offers an attractive, functional, purpose built residential and conference facility for the use of school, parish, community and commercial groups.
The Conforti Centre is an initiative of the Xaverian Missionaries in the UK. The Centre is named after our founder St. Guido Maria Conforti, who founded the Xaverian Missionaries in 1895. We have been present in Coatbridge since 1958, and in that time, we have developed our ministry in promoting cooperation and reconciliation among all peoples regardless of race, gender, culture, creed, or sexual orientation. We have a commitment to collaborating in solidarity with those who experience marginalisation in all its forms and are seeking to explore skills and resources that support Personal and Social transformation and Integral Human development.

Our modern purpose-built facilities are suitable for all kinds of day and residential meetings and conferences both formal and informal. The main Conference Room can hold up to 80 Participants. There are a further 2 seminar rooms that can take up to 25 people each. There is state of the art audio visual equipment throughout including smart boards. We have a large break out area that allows guests, delegates and visitors to relax in more comfortable surroundings. The Conference and training rooms can be let on an individual or group basis.
We offer comfortable and secure residential accommodation for up to 60 people in 30 en-suite twin and family rooms, all rooms can be booked as single occupancy also. All rooms have internet access. Tea and Coffee facilities are also provided. Off street car parking is available and the centre wheelchair accessible throughout. The rooms are let based on bed and breakfast, with a full cereal/continental breakfast being provided, lunch and/or dinner can also be provided if required. We welcome groups from all backgrounds including conference delegates, holiday makers, retreat participants, and overseas exchange visitors.
For details of availability cost of hire please contact our Administrator:
Anna Sweeney
Tel: 01236 607 120

Our in-house catering is flexible and is designed to suit your requirements, whether this is for a light meal, full meal or buffet. Quotations for menus are available on request and we are fully committed to meeting individual and collective medical and religious dietary needs wherever possible.

The centre is situated in Calder Avenue, Coatbridge. There is parking available behind the building.
By Road
We are reached easily from the M/A8 Glasgow-Edinburgh road. Take the A725 exit and follow directions for Coatbridge. Go through two roundabouts and continue towards Coatbridge until you reach the Whifflet cross traffic lights. Turn right into Calder Street, then first right into Garturk Street. Turn left at the T junction then follow the road around the football park. The Centre will be right in front of you.
By Rail
Trains run every 30 mins (0600-2400) between Glasgow central and Whifflet Station which is less than 1km from the centre. There is a more limited Sunday service. To reach the Institute turn right out of the station, take a left on to Whifflet Street, then first left on to Calder Street, then first right into Garturk Street. Turn left at the T-Junction then follow the road around to the football park. The centre will then be directly in front of you.