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The Price of Mission

The Price of Mission

Every year the Information service of the Pontifical Mission Societies (Agenzia Fedes) produces a report on missionaries and pastoral workers who have been killed while engaged in mission. The report does not refer only to missionaries and pastoral workers ad gentes in the strict sense, but considers the term missionary in a broader context, encompassing all Catholics who were involved in some way in pastoral works and ecclesial activities and who died violently, even if they did not die expressly in hatred of the faith.

In 2024, according to data verified by Fides, 13 Catholic missionaries were killed worldwide: eight priests and five lay people. Africa and America recorded the highest number of pastoral workers killed: five on both continents. In recent years, it was Africa and America that alternated at the top of this tragic ranking.

In detail, in Africa a total of 6 men were killed (2 in Burkina Faso, 1 in Cameroon, 1 in the Democratic Republic of Congo and 2 in South Africa), 5 in the Americas (1 in Colombia, 1 in Ecuador, 1 in Mexico and 1 in Brazil) and two in Europe (1 in Poland and 1 in Spain).

The little information on the lives and circumstances in which these people died violently give us a picture of daily life, in contexts often marked by violence, poverty and lack of justice. They are often witnesses and missionaries who selflessly sacrificed their lives to Christ until the end.

Among the pastoral workers killed in 2024 are also Edmond Bahati Monja, coordinator of Radio Maria/Goma, and Juan Antonio López, coordinator of the social pastoral care of the Diocese of Truijllo and founding member of the pastoral care of integral ecology in Honduras.

Edmond, who lived in an area of North Kivu shaken by the advance of the armed group M23, was shot dead by a group of armed men near his home in the district of Ndosho, on the outskirts of Goma (where the Xaverians are present in the St. Franics Xavier Parish). The regular Congolese army has formed alliances with other armed groups to defend the city and has also supplied weapons to some militias that call themselves “Wazalendo” (“patriots” in Swahili). However, the presence of irregular armed groups has led to a rise in violent crimes in Goma, with robberies and murders.

The case of the killing of Edmond Bahati, involved in investigations into local issues, is also linked to the passion with which he conducted his work. At least a dozen journalists have been murdered in and around Goma in two years. Bahati had been investigating the violence of armed groups in the region.

Juan Antonio López, on the other hand, was known for his commitment to social justice, and drew strength and courage from the source of his Christian faith. The crime occurred just hours after a press conference in which Juan Antonio López, along with other municipal representatives, denounced alleged links between members of the Tocoa municipal government and organized crime.

López’s murder is part of a growing repression against human rights activists in Honduras. Pope Francis stressed the importance of protecting those who work for justice during the Angelus prayer on September 22nd. I join in the grief of this local Church and in the condemnation of all forms of violence, the Pope stressed.“I am close to all those who see their basic rights trampled upon, as well as to those who work for the common good and in this way respond to the cry of the poor and the earth, the Pope added, recalling López’s legacy as a man of faith who gave his life for others.

From 2000 to 2024, a total of 608 missionaries and pastoral workers were killed. These brothers and sisters may also seem to be failures, but today we see that it is not the case. Now as then, in fact, the seed of their sacrifices, which seems to die, germinates and bears fruit, because God continues to work miracles, through them, changing hearts and saving men and women. (Pope Francis, December 26, 2023, liturgical feast of St. Stephen Protomartyr).

Compiled from Agenzia Fedes and the full report can by found here:

October – the month of Mission

October – the month of Mission

Opening Mass of Xaverian COSUMA June 2024

“The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Father” (Ad Gentes 2). So begins the first chapter of the Second Vatican Council’s fourteenth document, issued on December 7th, 1965, the Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church. We are reminded of this every October when we celebrate World Mission Sunday and even this predates Ad Gentes! World Mission Sunday was instituted by People Pius XI in 1922.

In the month of October and specifically Mission Sunday, we are reminded of the missionary spirit, gifted to the laity, clergy and religious. It also calls us to pray for the growth of this same spirit, because the “vineyard” of mission is the whole world!

In more recent times Pope Francis tells us, “Mission is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him’ and that ‘the mission for all requires the commitment of all”. Faithful to the mission received from the Lord, we – the Church – are called to go to the ends of the earth. To set out over and over again, without growing weary or losing heart in the face of difficulties and obstacles.

We cannot say that mission happens only in other places – it needs to happen in our local communities, parishes and diocese. We can no longer talk of the Church without talking about mission because we only talk and reflect on the mission of the Church.

The Synod on Synodality, taking place in Rome, is a call to mission – a moment for the Church to reflect on how mission is being lived in all corners of the world. This is a Synod that will help place the Church in the world and help focus on the missionary needs we are being called to live.

Let us hope and pray that this World Mission Sunday will remind us that we are called by Jesus – in person – to bear witness to his words in our everyday lives. We are called to reach out to the lost, the oppressed and discouraged, and to tenderly care for those who suffer. We are invited to live out our call to mission by proclaiming the coming of God’s Kingdom, serving those in need, promoting peace with justice, and inviting people to know God’s goodness.

Let us open our eyes and ears to the Spirit’s call this Missionary Month!

Season of Creation 2024

Season of Creation 2024

We are approaching the Season of Creation: as Christians we are encouraged to pray and engage in community events in order to deepen our relationship with our God, our neighbour and the earth we share, being ever more attentive to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. The idea of celebrating September 1st as a day of prayer for creation began at the wish of the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios in 1989, and was endorsed by Pope Francis in 2015 and ends with the, Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4th.

Writing about the season in 2019 Pope Francis said, this is the season for letting our prayer be inspired anew,” a season “to reflect on our lifestyles,” and a season for undertaking prophetic actions … calling for courageous decisions … directing the planet towards life, not death.”

The theme this year is To Hope and Act with Creation. And, as Catholics, we are encouraged to organise prayer and practical initiatives to combat the environmental crisis facing our common home. This “time for creation” offers, in the words of Pope Francis, individual believers and communities a fitting opportunity to reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation.

For more information and practical ideas please have a look at the following links:

The Beatification of the Xaverian Martyrs

The Beatification of the Xaverian Martyrs

“The beatification of our confreres is a source of great joy for all of us Xaverians and for the universal Church,” declared Father Fernando García Rodríguez, Superior General of the Xaverians.

On August 18, the Xaverians Vittorio Faccin, Luigi Carrara, Giovanni Didonè, and the Congolese priest Albert Joubert were proclaimed blessed.

It is an official public recognition by the Church, even though the people of Fizi and Baraka have always considered them martyrs.

For the Catholic Church present in Congo, it is also a reason for further excitement. This is the second beatification to take place in Congo, after that of Sr. Maria Clementina (born Alphonsine) Anuarite Nengapeta in 1985.

“The Church, by declaring them blessed, recognizes their violent death as martyrdom,” says Father Fernando. “They died bearing witness to their love for God and for the Congolese people they were serving.”

The Superior General asks, “Where did they find the strength to continue living in Baraka and Fizi when they knew their lives were at risk? What was the primary motivation for staying with the people despite the danger, threats, and uncertainty?”

The answer seems to emerge in their writings that have come down to us: the life we have received is a serious matter. And if it is a serious matter, it must be lived fully by putting it at the service of eternity. Because whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my sake will find it (Mt 16:25).

“It is very significant that this celebration takes place today in 2024 when Congo is not a completely peaceful country while conflicts in the world continue to increase,” continues Father Fernando. “I hope that the example of our confreres can touch the hearts of many people, especially those who have decision-making responsibilities, so that peace becomes a reality for everyone.”

The driving force that led them to Congo was faith in Jesus Christ and his plan of salvation for humanity; they put their lives at the service of God’s love, having Jesus Christ as their model of life and missionary action.

“They remained faithful because God is faithful,” affirms the missionary.

The martyrs are also an example to other Christians and missionaries. “Living in this way, with this conviction, considering their young age, cannot have come spontaneously or almost naturally, as the natural instinct is to protect oneself, to seek shelter from any threat,” says the Superior. “This conviction is the result of a human, Christian, and missionary education and formation acquired over time and through daily perseverance.”

“Faccin, Carrara, Didonè, and Joubert are now for us models of human, Christian, and Xaverian life,” concludes Father Fernando. “May they be a continuous source of inspiration and support for our Xaverian life.”



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