October – the month of Mission

October – the month of Mission

Opening Mass of Xaverian COSUMA June 2024

“The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Father” (Ad Gentes 2). So begins the first chapter of the Second Vatican Council’s fourteenth document, issued on December 7th, 1965, the Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church. We are reminded of this every October when we celebrate World Mission Sunday and even this predates Ad Gentes! World Mission Sunday was instituted by People Pius XI in 1922.

In the month of October and specifically Mission Sunday, we are reminded of the missionary spirit, gifted to the laity, clergy and religious. It also calls us to pray for the growth of this same spirit, because the “vineyard” of mission is the whole world!

In more recent times Pope Francis tells us, “Mission is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him’ and that ‘the mission for all requires the commitment of all”. Faithful to the mission received from the Lord, we – the Church – are called to go to the ends of the earth. To set out over and over again, without growing weary or losing heart in the face of difficulties and obstacles.

We cannot say that mission happens only in other places – it needs to happen in our local communities, parishes and diocese. We can no longer talk of the Church without talking about mission because we only talk and reflect on the mission of the Church.

The Synod on Synodality, taking place in Rome, is a call to mission – a moment for the Church to reflect on how mission is being lived in all corners of the world. This is a Synod that will help place the Church in the world and help focus on the missionary needs we are being called to live.

Let us hope and pray that this World Mission Sunday will remind us that we are called by Jesus – in person – to bear witness to his words in our everyday lives. We are called to reach out to the lost, the oppressed and discouraged, and to tenderly care for those who suffer. We are invited to live out our call to mission by proclaiming the coming of God’s Kingdom, serving those in need, promoting peace with justice, and inviting people to know God’s goodness.

Let us open our eyes and ears to the Spirit’s call this Missionary Month!

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